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Project news: Nguti schools

When the David Hoyle Foundation was founded, one of its main objectives was the support future generations through education. It is therefore fitting that one of the priority projects that the foundation is looking into is funding much-needed maintenance and improvements to the schools in Nguti, Marceline's home town in Cameroon.



Little work, in terms of maintenance, has been undertaken since the school buildings were first completed in 1979. The buildings have received almost no maintenance since and are in desparate need of investment and structural repair. There is also an urgent need for basic equipment such as tables and chairs, to allow the school to function as it should.  Without these basic things the children and their teachers all struggle. 

As soon as it is practical, Marceline is planning to travel to Nguti herself, to assess the situation and discuss the project with the school, the authorities, local builders and other trades people. Her visit will allow Marceline to see what is needed, what can be done, to establish likely costs and to set priorities for the project. 



UK Charity Number: 1177533.

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